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This is how you get your food photos right


Food Foto Title

Among the most popular subjects on various social media platforms is food. Food photography has almost become an art form. However, you don't need professional equipment. A smartphone, the right angle, and a free app are enough to make your pictures stand out from simple snapshots.

The equipment for your food photos

Of course, you can achieve excellent photos with a DSLR camera. However, the equipment alone does not make the picture! It primarily depends on the person behind the camera. If you train your photographic eye, even a common smartphone is enough to take a great food photo. The good thing about smartphone photography is that you always have the camera with you. With special apps, you can even shoot in RAW format. But the best subject is worth nothing if the lens of your camera is dirty. Always remember to clean the lens of your camera before taking a picture. You can simply use a soft cloth or the edge of a cotton shirt for that.

An important helper: grid lines

Also, enable the grid lines in your settings. With their help, you can place your subject well. They divide your screen into three parts. The main focus of your subject should always be at an intersection of the grid lines. Such placement is perceived as pleasant by the viewer and directs the eye directly to the most important detail of your image. If you want to prominently place the subject, then position it exactly in the middle of your screen.

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Flat lay – a popular perspective in food photography

The right angle at which you photograph the food is also crucial for your image. You probably know the so-called “Flat lay” or “Overhead Shot” – this is the top-down view of the subject. This view is best used when you want to highlight specific shapes in your image or capture the atmosphere of an entire dining table. This perspective is particularly popular for spices such as star anise, cardamom, and cloves.



The angle sets the mood in your pictures

The 45° angle is ideal when you want to show the depth of your subject and highlight specific areas in your image. Finally, there is the frontal perspective. This perspective reveals the different layers of a dish. You choose it whenever you are photographing drinks with beautiful garnishes or stacked food (such as burgers or pancakes).
Sometimes it’s challenging to decide on one perspective. In such cases, it’s wise to take multiple pictures and compare them afterwards. From the various photos, you can then choose which one presents the subject most beautifully.

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Finally, the post-processing

There are now many free apps that allow you to quickly and easily edit images. Just experiment with the various adjustment options because beauty is what appeals to you. Many of these apps even offer ready-made presets from which you can choose. With these filters, you can change your image with just a click. If you use the same filter consistently, you can even create your own special “signature style”, giving your photos a distinctive look.

But whether you want to reach many people with your food photos on social media or just enjoy capturing your meals for fun, these tips will help you capture great images. So grab your camera and get started!


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